Thursday, January 29, 2009

To me the hardest thing about blogging is when your mind is taken up with things that you can't blog about. I am annoyed when other people post vague posts about what is going on in their lives and you are just left with an unearned curiosity that you feel kind of weird about.

That is exactly where I find myself over the last few days. No one has a terminal illness and everything is really ok. Just so you know.

Yesterday I was working and I needed to stop my brain from a useless cycle of black thoughts and self recrimination. I called upon Amos Lee, Brahms, The Killers (Olivia loaded my ipod), Derek Webb, Corinne Bailey Rae, Tom Petty and all my other rock star friends. They
sound-blasted my head so that there was no room for anything else. Oh, and one more... Stacey. She is my rock star friend who came with soup and a sympathetic ear.

You rock!


  1. I hear you. Sometimes the 'voices' in our head paint such a bleakness. I'm learning to speak and hear 'blessing talk'. Did you know that you can say "I'm going to overcome the urge to kill you." instead of "I'm going to kill you."? (Typed with a little humor intended.)

  2. Your music selections are great. Yeah for a friend bearing soup.

  3. ha ha i love that you say exactly what we all want to say! (re: vague posts) And love the clarification

    Also, two music suggestions for you: Sondre Lerche via Dan in Real Life Soundtrack and The Boy Least Likely To.
