Sunday, January 11, 2009

Me and Stephen King

I've spent most of today reading On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King. I'm much better at reading books about writing by writers than I am at actually writing. That is a well established fact. I haven't been able to put this one down.

Memoirs have become my new favorite genre, even as they are uncovered as fake, one after the next. I am on the waiting list for The Glass Castle. It must be the voyeur in me that loves reading about other peoples messed up lives. This book gives you a peek into Stephen King's life, which is only mildly disturbing. As a bonus he tells you how he goes about writing and what he considers essential to being a good writer.

I've always thought I would like Stephen King if I ever met him. He seems to be a no b.s. kind of guy. The Christian characters that he creates are not the most sympathetic, but I recognize them. I see in them my own tendency to wear my religion like worn out hand-me-downs. Religion covers up the private parts that no one should see, but doesn't do it with much style. Underneath the rags I am still a created being in need of the comfort of a Savior.

1 comment:

  1. Two things.
    1. I love Stephen King
    2. I can't read his books.
    He is just too good, and I am too wimpy. I get sucked in by just how real everything he writes is. Maybe I need to suck it up and try again because he really is a fantastic author. A great guy to get writing tips from.
