Friday, December 24, 2010

The Christmas Nod

this has nothing to do with my post, but he is adorable!

Most people who know me know that I am a Christian. By that I mean that I go to church, try to serve in some way, and I pray about the important stuff. A good day starts with some Bible reading, but I am no scholar and I read in fits and starts. Most of the time I have a nagging suspicion that following Christ may involve more than my occasional nod.

This isn't going to be some self-deprecating post where I flail myself and vow to do better. I just wonder if I am all that different than everyone else.

Christmas brings these thoughts out in me. It doesn't help that I know that Jesus wasn't really born on December 25th and that the wise men didn't show until a couple years later. The gifts I give don't really have their origins in the tradition of the manger, but they come from the traditions of my childhood where Christmas was one of the best days of the year. I love to pick things out for my husband and kids, but I don't give Jesus a second thought when I do it.

This year we have been blessed beyond belief with the generosity of others, which I guess makes me stop and consider a little more. We will go to our Christmas Eve service and say Merry Christmas to the people who mean so much. I will get misty as we sing the carols and truly marvel in my heart at the mystery of God Incarnate. I will smile at my girls as we light our candles because we share a little joke about the endless instructions we get each year for sharing the flame. That is my Christmas nod.

The rest of our traditions revolve around food and gifts and the love of family. Christmas stockings, Christmas tree gifts, breakfast, Christmas dinner (game hens this year), and a movie in the afternoon. While I couldn't ask for more, I think I could offer more. That is my prayer, that I can do more than give Jesus a polite nod and a courteous smile, although for the life of me I don't know what it would be.

I will let you know how it  goes.


  1. A Christmas nod to you my friend. Loved your blog, love your transparency.....your inconspicuosity! (LOL)

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hmm... good thoughts. I will be thinking more of these thought.

    I love the candle instructions - a joke in our family as well. I am very sad I have to miss it this year.

    Happy Christmas to you!
